Getting Started
Manitoba Roadracing Association (MRA) track days offer riders a safe environment to experience the thrills of riding on a closed circuit road race course. Track Days are fun and affordable and we offer a clear path from first time rider to becoming a licensed racer.
What are Track Days all about?
Track Days are by far most fun and effective way to improve your riding skills on a motorcycle.
Track Days are held on a race track which provides a safe environment for riders to improve their skills. There is no need to worry about cars, potholes, curbs or any other hazard of riding on the street.
All types of motorcycles are welcome at our events. Sport bikes are the most popular but there are also those who ride sport tourers, super motards and adventure bikes.
What Track Days are not…
Track Days are not racing. You cannot win a track day, but you can certainly lose by crashing. We all have to begin somewhere and there will be riders of varying skill and speed.
Track Days are about improving your riding skill, increasing your corner speed and consistency around the race track.
What you will learn
Track Days will make you a safer street rider. Riding on the track will teach you how to brake harder, corner comfortably at high rate of speeds as well as gain trust in your motorcycle and riding abilities.
All of these skills can be safely practiced on the track and are put to use on the street when a corner tightens more than expected or a car suddenly pulls out in front of you.
How we organize track sessions
Our Novice group ranges from novice street riders and first time track riders to moderately experienced track riders. Our skilled instructors will lead and instruct riders in order to develop essential street and track riding skills. After several novice track days most riders can confidently advance from the novice group to the advanced group.
Our Advanced group is for advanced track day riders which can range from the faster track day riders to former racers. The advanced group is no longer led by our instructors and riders are generally more comfortable with passing. This group is intended for experienced riders.

How to prep your bike for a Track Day
***Non OEM oil filters have been banned. Motorcycles are to be fitted with their original equipment manufacturers oil filters.***
While fluids may be your bike's best friend, they are everyone's worst nightmare if they get on the track. At a minimum you must check that the oil drain plug, oil filter, and oil filler cap are tight, and that all cooling system, hoses, clamps, and pumps are tight and in good condition.
There are a few basic items that must be removed from your motorcycle prior to participating in a trackday. If you plan on riding your motorcycle to the track, these tasks can easily be performed at the track prior to the event.
You must remove or completely tape mirrors. We want you watching what's in front of you, not worrying about what's behind you.
License Plate
Lights are taped in order to reduce distractions on the track. We want riders to use their own brake markers, not reacting to someone’s brake light. Painters tape is recommended as it doesn't leave any residue on your motorcycle.
Turn signals
Tail lights
Mirrors (if not already removed)
Your tires must be in good condition with plenty of tread left, no flat spots, no cracks, no cord showing.
Set tire pressure. Tire pressures used in track riding are much lower than pressures for street riding. Check with your tire dealer to determine what pressure they recommend for your tires when used at the track.

Full face helmet (must be within 5 years of manufacturing date) meeting the following helmet standards:
Europe - ECE 22-05 (P, NP or J)
Great Britain - BS 6658 Grade A
Japan - JIS T 8133 : 2007
North America - Snell M2015
Scorpion ECE 750 Series
1 piece or 2 piece leather suit
Two piece suits MUST have a full circumference zipper. Aero-stitch, Cordura and Nylon suits are also acceptable but leather is preferred.
Leather gloves are required, long cuff gloves are preferred
Motorcycle boots that fully cover the ankle
Mouth Guards
Protective mouth guards are required for all race participants. We also strongly recommend that all track day riders wear a mouth guard
Tips For Your First Track Day Weekend
Your first track day will be a very exciting experience. It may be intimidating at first but hopefully the following tips will help you get organized and put your mind at ease.
Register online prior to the event: Online registration not only provides you a discount on your track day fees but it reduces the rush once you arrive at the track. With online registration, all you have to do is sign a waiver once you arrive at the track.
Prep your bike: Much of the track day bike preparation can be performed at the track (ie. removing mirrors and taping lights) but giving your motorcycle a proper once-over prior to the weekend ensures that your motorcycle is in good operating condition for the event.
Arrive to the track early: Arriving at the track for 7:30-8:00am will provide you time to tape headlights and remove mirrors, if you haven't already done so. It also allows you to register, sign your waiver and have your bike inspected without the need to rush. *Registration can be found at the large building with the red roof.
Bring the proper supplies: Hydration is extremely important. Make sure you bring ample fluids and snacks, track riding is mentally and physically exhausting.
Ask questions: You will be introduced to your riding instructor after the riders meeting. He/she is there to help and so is every other rider at the track. Don't be afraid to ask people questions!
Track Day Fees
Full Track Weekend (2 Day)
8 sessions + 4 combined sessions
$260 regular price / $240 early registration
Saturday or Sunday Track day (1 Day)
6 sessions
$165 regular price / $145 early registration
Track improvement fee
$35 paid by all riders once per track event
Annual Club Membership Fee
$20 per year
Includes AGM attendance and voting rights for the club.